Modernist Intentions: Maisons Jaoul, Le Corbusier, France, Paris, 1951

As one of the fathers of the modern architecture movement, Le Corbusier has mostly stayed true to his modernist intentions when it comes to his work.  This project can be seen as a little bit of a stray away from his 5 points (Lifted, Ribbon Window, Free facade, Free plan, and to occupy the roof).  Some of things things can be seen in the project.  He has occupied the roof as a roof garden but controversy can be throughout many more of his moves throughout the design.  There was concern with the ground, structure and to have a very limited budget, Le Corbusier had to design around these restrictions rather then him mostly doing whatever he wanted.


  1. Add image of building related to your quote. No name of group in post.

  2. Mike & Evan,+Le+Corbusier,+France,+Paris,+1951&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimtoHWhL7TAhWn64MKHQV4CHYQ_AUIBigB&biw=1440&bih=747#imgrc=yRv36m4LL-x-FM:


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